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How to Sell Digital Downloads on Facebook?

February 25, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Crowdfundly Opengraph image

Static and dynamic content editing

Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

A list looks like this:

  • Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  • Do Permission Marketing
  • Invent, Implement and Sell the Ideas
  • Sell What People Want, Not What They Need
  • Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Deliver Basic Human Wants

A list looks like this:

  1. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

Generally, Facebook doesn’t allow selling digital downloads. However, there is an alternative way to sell on Facebook. You can promote your external shop link on Facebook.  If you want to sell digital downloads on Facebook choose a platform or online shop to sell your product and then share the link on your Facebook page or profile. 

Now let’s get into the details of all these strategies. Keep reading the article to find out more.    

Why Sell Digital Downloads on Facebook?

If you are serious about growing your business, you should consider selling products on Facebook. It has a wide audience and with the right strategy, you will have the perfect opportunity to advertise and show your products to the world. 

Despite that, there are still a few reasons you should consider Facebook for selling digital downloads. 

  • Potential to Reach Massive User Base
  • Built-In Sales Platform
  • Direct Targeting through Facebook’s ad platform
  • Cost Effective 
  • More Brand Awareness 

Can you sell digital downloads on Facebook?

No, you can’t sell digital downloads on Facebook because it doesn’t allow selling digital products or any kind of downloadable. However, an alternative way to sell digital products is by sharing an external shop on Facebook. 

There are a lot of online shops where you can sell your digital downloads easily. Etsy, amazon, WordPress, Squarespace, and eBay are the most popular marketplaces to sell your digital downloads. 

However, these marketplaces are very competitive and charge different kinds of fees. Moreover, you don’t have much control over your shop as the policy of these marketplaces. 

Alternative recommendation: Crowdfundly

Crowdfundly can be a good option to sell your artwork and connect with your fanbase.

What is Crowdfundly?

Crowdfundly is a tool exclusively for creators to receive donations, recur support via memberships, and sell anything to the fans. 

With Crowdfundly, you can build your digital shop and sell your artwork there. You can also sell AI-generated art on Crowdfundly. 

Steps to sell digital downloads on Crowdfundly

Step 1: Signing Up On Crowdfundly

Select ‘Signup’ and fill out the form to create an account.

Signing Up On Crowdfundly
Step 2: Select Payment Options

Go to ‘Settings’ and select your currency and payment method. Then click ‘Save’ for your future selling convenience. 

Select Payment Options
Step 3: Add Your Digital Products To Sell
  • When adding your digital products to sell them, select ‘Shop’ to add and sell your products. Make sure to select ‘My items', and there you’ll find an option to ‘start from scratch’. Click it and you’re ready to add your digital product.
Add Your Digital Products To Sell
  • Fill in the necessary information here, starting with the name field. Add the price you want your products to be at, and select a thumbnail and cover you want your customers to be attracted to.
  • Scroll down and you will find the description box. Remember to add the product description part, expressing your product within 2500 words. Below that, there are the delivery assets, where you can begin by adding your digital product image or URL. 
  • Select the add to collection field and additional settings fields where you find necessary, then lastly click ‘Save and Publish’.
Step 4: Promote Your digital product sales

Promote your digital product sales on Facebook to reach a wider audience.

  • Select the striped menu button at the right corner and click on the ‘View my page’ option.
Promote Your digital product sales
  • Now go to the ‘Shop’ section and you will find all your items including your digital product images there.
  • Now select the digital product you want to promote and it will lead you to the digital product page. Select the ‘Copy link’ option and by clicking this you can copy the digital product link and paste it to the platforms you want to use to promote your digital products.
  • Now share the shop link on your Facebook page and promote it properly to drive more sales.

How to promote your digital shop on Facebook?

Even though you can’t directly sell your digital products on Facebook, you can use the platform to gain better visibility and reach more audiences. This way you can drive more sales to your online shop. 

Here are the ways you can use Facebook to promote your digital shop:

Use Hashtags

When crafting a post or story on Facebook, make sure to leverage the platform’s hashtag culture. When you incorporate hashtags in your caption or story, they become clickable links, allowing users to explore related content. 

This is a powerful way for individuals to discover new content, including your business when exploring hashtags aligned with their interests. 

As an illustration, numerous small business are effectively sharing their narratives and connecting with a global audience by using the hashtag: #DeserveToBeFound. 

Initiate your business marketing journey by actively participating in this conversation, enabling people to uncover your innovative ideas. 

Personalized Ads

Every business begins with a concept, and these ideas merit every opportunity for success. 

Personalized advertisements play a crucial role in connecting with individuals who have demonstrated interest in your products online or in discovering new audiences with characteristics similar to your top customers.

By targeting personalized ads, you can efficiently allocate your budget to reach those most likely to be interested in your offerings, maximizing the impact as you introduce new products and services.

Furthermore, advertising on Facebook or Instagram needn’t be cost-prohibitive. A multitude of advertisers, predominantly small and medium-sized businesses akin to 

Converse And Engage Through Posts 

Posts serve as an excellent medium for providing updates, such as new product launches or promotions, and maintaining top-of-mind awareness with your audience. 

These posts appear on your Facebook page or Instagram profile and may also surface on your follower’s News feed.

When crafting a post, consider incorporating compelling images or videos to make your content visually engaging. 

Additionally, don’t overlook the importance of adding relevant hashtags to enhance discoverability, allowing new audiences to find and engage with your content. 

Share On Live Videos And Stories 

You have the flexibility to go live on Facebook or Instagram using your phone or a desktop with a camera. 

Experiment with various live video formats, such as hosting events, showcasing products, or providing a behind-the-scenes glimpse of your business. 

Before going live, generate anticipation by promoting the event on Facebook, creating posts in advance, and building excitement among your audience. 

For a more structured live video experience, explore tips for content organization and learn about features like Facebook Live and Instagram Live.

Additionally, leverage stories as a creative tool to express your identity, capture interest, and prompt customer action.

Share BTS content, highlight employees, or showcase special promotions. You can create organic stories for free or use Stories ads to expedite the achievement of your business goals. 

Build Communities Through Groups 

Build community through Facebook groups. Establishing a group from your Page enables you to engage with customers and supporters in a more private setting, fostering authentic conversions centered around a shared interest related to your business.

This provides your community with a deeper connection to your brand and may yield valuable insights into their preferences and expectations. 

If creating your group isn’t your immediate goal, consider joining existing groups where you can share your expertise or connect with others who have similar interests. 

This approach allows you to participate in relevant discussions outside of your Page, even before you decide to create your group. 


How To Sell Digital Artwork On Instagram?

You can sell on Instagram in 2 ways- by creating a shop on Instagram or by sharing the link of an external shop on bio. Both ways are proven to be good for driving sales, however, sharing the external shop link is easier and can be promoted easily too. 

How to sell on Redbubble?

You can easily sell on Redbubble. Just create an account, update the payment method, and start uploading your. You can sell things like apparel, phone cases, stickers, wall art, home decor, bags, and stationery. 

How to sell on Amazon?

You can sell anything on Amazon. However, choose the platform according to the digital product you want to sell. For instance, to sell ebooks and PDFs, you have to sell on Kindle, and for audio, the platform is Audible. Then, create your account on the platform and start selling. 

Concluding words

This is how you sell digital downloads on Facebook. If you promote your digital products on Facebook properly, you can reach a wide range of audience.

Crowdfundly Team
The Crowdfundly team gathers to write up actionable resources to help you start, create, publish, and promote your content on Crowdfundly.

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